Saturday, December 22, 2007

Blog entry two: The Warth of Kahn

Ok, so i am going to try and keep a blog going. This may not be a good thing. In early times, meaning up thru the middle ages and a bit farther, The person who would stand in the town square, or walking around town, and talk to himself was looked on as a "special" person ( in modern terms they rode the short bus). Today we just figure there on a cell phone. Now we are given the chance to talk to ourself all we want and people can choose to listen to us or read us to be more precise.
This is much more along the lines of people standing in the town square and talking about things that are important to them and to the community as a whole while standing on a soapbox. The questions is with more people talking about things that are personal and less community based will history look back and say that this was a good thing?
In the long run I think it is. It is the chance for people to connect on a level that means more than just a superficial glance.
How important will be left up to the individual.


Anonymous said...

One of my primary intentions for my own blog is to keep in touch with people. I like to think that other people like to read about what's going on in my life. I know I like to read about other people; often, lives are far more interesting than those who are living them think they are. But in the end, obviously, I can't know how interested people really are in what I'm saying. But it's nice to feel like I'm staying in touch and up to date with those whose words I read.

It's a way of keeping up with friends and possibly making new ones if people think you sound interesting. It's better than talking to yourself on a street corner because the audience is more select; after all, self-selection is still selection, and no one has to read it who doesn't want to.

I'm happy to be reading what you have to say, and am glad to think that you're reading my own occasional ramblings. That way, nobody gets picked up by the police for being a public nuisance. *grins*

Wisdramateacher said...

It think you have many great things to say. Your wittings are often insightful and very professionally written. Iam very glad to have you reading my blog ans letting me know what you think.